High Peak Borough Councillor - Limestone Peak Ward
About Peter:
Peter's ward that he represents is Limestone Peak. This area includes from Barmier Clough roundabout to Hazel Croft Garage on the A6. The ward extends to Millers Dale and a small portion of A6 at Ashford Dale. Peter also covers Dove Holes, Martinside, Tom Thorn, Batham Gate, Peak Dale, Small Knowle End, half of Small Dale, Wormhill, Millers Dale, Blackwell Cottages and Waterswallows.
In Peters spare time his interests are Clay target shooting, photography, cars, gardening and he also enjoy cooking.
Peter is involved in local Governors at Peak Dale and Dove Holes Primary schools. He is Chair of Friends of Dove Holes Station and also sits on the Quarry lesion at Tarmac.
Contact Details:
01298 71113, 07792 331969