High Peak Conservatives
The High Peak Conservative Association is a modern, forward-looking Association of like-minded people from all walks of life - young and old. We are people like you, with a common belief that the Conservative Party has the right people and the right ideas to run our borough, our county, and our country.
The Association
The Central body for the party within the High Peak is the Association, which manages the party locally. A committee of 9 people plus a Chairman run the Association, they come from throughout the High Peak and are elected by Party members at the Annual General Meeting. This group is known as the Officers and they meet monthly to discuss issues relating to the association. They are also responsible for organising the selection of Parliamentary candidates for the High Peak. The Officers are overseen by a Group elected by the Branches called the Executive.
The Branches
Branches of the party can be found throughout the High Peak and all members are entitled to attend branch meetings. The Branches have a Chairman/woman, treasurer, secretary and political representative and a social/membership representative. The branches meet on average once a month to discuss political issues local and national, arrange fund raising social events and implement policies. They are also responsible for the selection of County and Borough Council candidates and provision of the necessary manpower at times of elections.
The Conservative Party
The Conservative Party is a large organisation, representing and involving people with a diverse range of backgrounds, interests and concerns. It is a broad church, which encourages open debate and accepts differences of opinion.
What unites the Party are the core Conservative principals which provide our foundation:
Conservatives believe in less interference from the State - freedom for individuals, families, voluntary groups and businesses.
Conservatives want to keep taxes low and set businesses free from red tape to help Britain compete in the global economy.
Conservatives stand for the rule of law and support for all members of our society. We recognise our duty to protect the environment for future generations.
Conservatives want to safeguard the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, maintain strong defence and uphold our right to national self-government.