Archery - Glossop 1st September 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to another innovative event on Saturday 1st September - this time to try your skills at archery at Stalybridge Archery Club, 3.30 for 4pm. £18 for members and friends, £20 non members.
Treasure Hunt - Glossop 30th July 2012 As their Treasure Hunt last year was so successful, High Peak North branch invite you to another one (different clues!) on Monday 30th July in Glossop. Please meet in The Municipal Car Park, Glossop between 6.30pm and 7pm. Tickets will cost £8.50 per person.
Summer Buffet - Glossop 1st July 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to their popular and friendly Summer Buffet in Glossop at 12noon. Tickets £12.
Seaside Meal - Chapel 13th June 2012 Chapel branch invite you to a Seaside three course meal on Wednesday 13th June at 7.30pm. This will be held at the New Inn, Chapel and the meal will be prawn cocktail, fish and chips and ice cream - all for only £15.
Coffee Club - Glossop 8th June 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to their friendly coffee club on Friday 8th June at Windy Harbour Hotel, Woodhead Road, Glossop, 10am to 12noon. The speaker this month will be Sarah Dineen who will be talking about her work in Africa.
Go Karting - Glossop 24th May 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to try out your driving skills at Go Karting on Thursday 24th May to be held at Swains, Harpur Hill, Buxton, 7pm. £30 for members and friends and £33 for non members.
President's Lunch - Hope Valley 13th May 2012 Our Association President, Tony Favell, and his wife, Sue invite you to lunch at their home in Edale on Sunday 13th May from 12.30pm onwards. The cost will be £12.50 and will include lunch and as much as you can drink! Numbers will be limited so please let Sue know asap if you are able to come.
Bridge Drive - Buxton 29th April 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to their popular Bridge Drive on Sunday 29th April at The Lee Wood Hotel, Buxton, 1.30 for 2pm.
Coffee Club - Buxton 27th April 2012 Buxton branch invite you to their regular coffee club at the Old Hall Hotel, Buxton. The meeting starts at 10.30am with coffee and biscuits followed by the speaker at 11am. Therer will then be questions and answers before closing at 12 noon. Speaker to be advised.
Coffee Club - Glossop 13th April 2012 High Peak North branch invite you to their monthly coffee club at Windy Harbour Hotel, Woodhead Road, Glossop from 10am to 12 noon. Speaker to be advised.